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Boston International Design Group(BIDG)

BOSTON INTERNATIONAL DESIGNGROUP,LLC(波士顿国际设计BIDG)由朱㑺夫2004年在美国波士顿创立,至今已拥有专业设计人员120余人,在波士顿、上海、北京均建立了设计机构,致力于提供规划、建筑、室内、景观多方面的专业设计,其中上海公司为上海市高新技术企业、拥有建筑设计事务所甲级资质。

BIDG以B:Balanced(平衡:兼顾美学与实用)I:Inspiring(鼓舞:传达积极的正能量)D:Delighted(愉悦:营造美好的人居体验)、G:Global(国际:挑战探索更广阔的视野)为设计理念,作品涵盖历史街区提升及改造、老旧建筑改造、办公及公建综合体、酒店及度假村、商业综合体、高端住宅、校园设计、城市核心区规划等多种类型,遍布全球30余中心城市。多次荣获“联合国人居署国际优秀范例奖”、中国“精瑞奖”、“全国优秀工程勘查设计建筑设计奖”、“世界人居设计金奖”、“全国人居经典建筑金奖”等奖项。重点项目如“北京中关村1号”“杭州湖滨步行街区” “北京钟鼓楼时间博物馆”等,曾受到《新闻联播》、新华社等主流电视媒体的报道和国家主要领导的肯定。


B:Balanced I:Inspiring D:Delighted G:Global

Boston International Design Group(BIDG)

Boston International Design Group( BIDG ) was founded by Junfu Zhu and Easley Hamner in Cambridge Massachusetts in 2004. Till today, BIDG has over 200 professional designers and stuffs. BIDG has three branch offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Boston.

BIDG has been committed to matching project planning and designing with requirements of customers as muchas it could. Our main purpose is to share high standards of professional design and academic achievements with customers and partners. We do not focus separately on creating unique aesthetic style for our works, but aim to provide outstanding designs with equal partnership, positive work to our customers and make the ultimate economic benefits.Our design projects around the world have gone beyond the geographic and cultural boundaries, and are based on values and interest, which mainly include respecting local history and culture to a large extent. We make substantial contribution to local urban environment through planning and designing; customers will get excellent design based on their needs and expectations through our cooperation. This allows us to establish long-term cooperation with the customers and even over 30 years for some customers. Every time we accepted a design commission, we discuss and adjust with customers over and over again to ensure that every new building can be a unique and unforgettable one.

Our creativity cannot be separated with fully understanding of customers’ whole intention.Site condition and interests of customers and the society are two important factors, new site condition and different requirements from customers make every project very special. We are never limited to a specific model of certain type, but find the most appropriate solution with combined analysis of a series of factors like context, economy, social opportunities, etc. Therefore, we are always exceeding ourselves and innovating in our projects.